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Beyond Words: How Emotions Manifest in the Body

While commonly viewed as psychological occurrences, emotions also profoundly impact our physical well-being. This article delves into the intricate relationship between emotions and the body, exploring healthy emotional processing, the generational impact of unprocessed emotions, and how trauma manifests physically.…
March 11, 2024

Second Chapters, Authority Magazine

When I decided that I was going to pursue a career as a performing artist (with no prior professional training), I called around to different professional dance training programs thinking that I’d just sign up and train. It would’ve been…
May 9, 2023

Parade The Collective Fashion Show

In recognition of their wildly talented and diverse group of employees, Cirque du Soleil is giving fashion-oriented individuals the opportunity to showcase their work at PARADE The Collective for the first time in the program’s 12-year history.Contortionists Kemi Blake and…
May 9, 2023

Kemi Blake Featured in Good Morning America

Kemi Blake was featured in Good Morning America to discuss her journey as being a contortionist and movement coach!Former White House intern finds passion in flexibility Kemi Blake turned her skills as a contortionist and flexibility coach into her own…
May 9, 2023

IBIM Girls Empowerment Event

Every Spring IBIM invite 100 girls in the Baltimore area to attend our annual Believe In Your P.O.W.E.R workshop. During this event, we bring in dynamic women to share their passion and purpose in hands-on workshops with participants. The workshops…
May 9, 2023

Kemi Blake is the founder of Bodi Kemistri, a trademarked practice specializing in breath work and corrective exercises for postural alignment and nervous system regulation.